Medicine Cures the Body, but Art Heals the Spirit
As one of the first arts and health organizations in the United States, The Creative Center at University Settlement has been designing, implementing, and sustaining art programming in a variety of healthcare and community settings since 1994.
We believe that our deep understanding of arts and health brings intentional energy and a renewed appreciation of the human mind and body to the forefront of all of our residencies, events and workshops.
WATCH How The Creative Center’s groundbreaking programs find new ways to create connection and healing through artistic practice
Our programs are created with care from feedback from our community members in order to meet the needs of people at every stage of illness, their families, caregivers, and healthcare staff from diagnosis and treatment to survivorship and aging. We energize and renew people’s relationships with creativity by engaging our participants to help us build creative programs with professional artists at the center of everything we do.
"The Creative Center is me sticking my thumb in the eye of a diagnosis that trampled my sense of safety in the world. It is me reclaiming my autonomy and membership in the world. It lets me answer the questions: “Who am I now? How will I express it? What will I do with it?”…The Creative Center confirms that I have more to do.”
-Creative Center Community Member
Visit Us!
184 Eldridge Street
New York, NY 10002
(646) 465.5338